Know Your Customer (KYC)

Customer Due Diligence Policy
Information about Client and his business/standing:
Full name of Client (As per CNIC/NICOP/Passport: Mr./Ms./Mrs.
Father's/Husban's name:
Permanent Address (different from Customer's business address)
Occuptaion Agriculturist Business Houshold
Household Retired Student
Business Executive Industrialist Professional
Service Others (Specified)
Particulars of Bank Account(s) of Main Applicant Bank Account. Type of Account Saving/Current  Title.
Bank Account Number, Name of Bank and Branch. Branch Address.
The above informations will be verified by branch Bank Manager.
As Broker we have appropriate arrangements to access a Client's suitability to undertake internet
based trading, and will have an agreement with the approved Client, which will contain appropriate
disclosures highlighting the risks associated with internet trading.
Other brokerage houses (names, addresses & details etc.) with whom the Clients is working or 
has worked in the past for shares transactions.
Accounts with Other Brokers (Optional)
Name of Broker(s) Broker Exchange Client ID/Account